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The Look and Feel

Lower Third Applying a consistent look to the programmes that are produced of the 12 competitions making up the WDSF GrandSlam Series 2013 is important. All the more so since the GrandSlam brand itself needs get transmitted to the international audience as well. Top-level DanceSport contested at different locations around the world, top-ranked couples fighting it out over the title of GrandSlam Champions for the year, etc.

In the past, WDSF Communications already used a full set of information graphics plus title and credit sequences identifying the GrandSlam programming as such. The overall look was developed by Kathy Lang, who also happens to be the designer of this website. With the arrival of the Judging System 2.0 and several other changes that had to be considered for 2013, Kathy went back to the drawing board an came up with a slightly different "look and feel" for the information graphics.

Meanwhile, another team of creative minds came up with a new opening sequence. This is still a very early draft.

eMTB_jYoHf8|Opening Sequence