Jorgen Jensen Averstad - Malin Munkebye Karlsen

General information

Jorgen Jensen Averstad   (10087536)
Malin Munkebye Karlsen   (10117725)
Dancing for
Joined on
19 July 2021
Current age group
Current status

136. in Rising Stars - Latin with 89 points

414. in Adult - Latin with 140 points


About these rankings.

About these rankings

The competitions marked below in golden color show the ones that will be included for the calculation of your WorldRanking.

The WorldRanking is calculated once per day and includes only confirmed results.

Should the sum of points below NOT be the same as in your WorldRanking please be patient and wait for the next calculation of the WorldRanking.

20.3121 April 2024OpenLatinRising StarsNice - France
29.3620 April 2024International OpenLatinAdultNice - France
31.3616 December 2023International OpenLatinAdultRiga - Latvia
21.15 December 2023World Challenge CupLatinRising StarsRiga - Latvia
15.6512 November 2023International OpenLatinAdultKaunas - Lithuania
10.5812 November 2023OpenLatinRising StarsKaunas - Lithuania
67.04 November 2023World ChampionshipLatinAdultSibiu - Romania
53.2114 October 2023International OpenLatinAdultRotterdam - Netherlands
93.3901 July 2023World Open (new series)LatinAdultWuppertal - Germany
58.30 June 2023OpenLatinRising StarsWuppertal - Germany
51.2103 June 2023International OpenLatinAdultBremen - Germany
18.02 June 2023OpenLatinRising StarsBremen - Germany
5.11 December 2022OpenStandardRising StarsSofia - Bulgaria
24.4711 December 2022International OpenLatinAdultSofia - Bulgaria
8.10 December 2022OpenLatinRising StarsSofia - Bulgaria
Excused10 December 2022International OpenStandardAdultSofia - Bulgaria
50.2116 October 2022International OpenStandardAdultRotterdam - Netherlands
71.2215 October 2022International OpenLatinAdultRotterdam - Netherlands
49.3509 October 2022World Open (new series)StandardAdultElblag - Poland
30.7408 October 2022World Open (new series)LatinAdultElblag - Poland
13.18 September 2022OpenStandardRising StarsMlada Boleslav - Czech Republic
36.3018 September 2022International OpenStandardAdultMlada Boleslav - Czech Republic
12.17 September 2022OpenLatinRising StarsMlada Boleslav - Czech Republic
28.3617 September 2022International OpenLatinAdultMlada Boleslav - Czech Republic
32.29 August 2021OpenLatinAdultRotterdam - Netherlands
43.28 August 2021OpenStandardAdultRotterdam - Netherlands
14.27 August 2021OpenTen DanceAdultRotterdam - Netherlands