Lukas Hosek - Jana Kirnigova

General information

Lukas Hosek   (10103615)
Jana Kirnigova   (10130202)
Dancing for
Czech Republic
Joined on
30 May 2023
Current age group
Current status

30. in Under 21 - Latin with 234 points

211. in Adult - Latin with 348 points


About these rankings.

About these rankings

The competitions marked below in golden color show the ones that will be included for the calculation of your WorldRanking.

The WorldRanking is calculated once per day and includes only confirmed results.

Should the sum of points below NOT be the same as in your WorldRanking please be patient and wait for the next calculation of the WorldRanking.

18.8319 May 2024International OpenLatinAdultBrno-Šlapanice - Czech Republic
5.9418 May 2024OpenLatinUnder 21Brno-Šlapanice - Czech Republic
13.3020 April 2024OpenLatinAdultSiauliai - Lithuania
19.6307 April 2024International OpenLatinAdultWroclaw - Poland
7.6306 April 2024OpenLatinUnder 21Wroclaw - Poland
36.17 December 2023European ChampionshipLatinUnder 21Riga - Latvia
36.3310 December 2023International OpenLatinAdultGliwice - Poland
Excused26 November 2023World Open (new series)LatinAdultTimisoara - Romania
10.6318 November 2023OpenLatinUnder 21Zlin - Czech Republic
12.9805 November 2023International OpenLatinAdultUsti nad Labem - Czech Republic
41.9208 October 2023World Open (new series)LatinAdultBrno - Czech Republic
67.07 October 2023World ChampionshipLatinUnder 21Brno - Czech Republic
97.2201 October 2023GrandSlamLatinAdultBelgrade - Serbia
51.1411 August 2023OpenLatinUnder 21Stuttgart - Germany
144.2311 August 2023GrandSlamLatinAdultStuttgart - Germany
102.10 August 2023OpenLatinRising StarsStuttgart - Germany
9.7811 June 2023OpenLatinUnder 21Gliwice - Poland
23.4710 June 2023International OpenLatinAdultGliwice - Poland
24.4504 June 2023International OpenLatinAdultKosice - Slovakia