2017 PD 10th Anniversary

PD 10th Anniversary Prague

2017 PD World Championship Standard in Prague set the stage for the 10th Anniversary Ceremony of the WDSF Professional Division. All former PD World Champions Standard had been invited to join the ceremony. Most of them had come to Prague and were honoured by PD Director Verena Sulek and Honorary Life President Peter Maxwell.

See the video of the ceremony in Prague ...

QR2CZoCBjoQ|2017 PD 10th Anniversary Ceremony Prague | DanceSport Total

Part 2 of 2017 PD 10th Anniversary Ceremony of WDSF Professional Division took place in Leipzig. International DanceSport Festival Leipzig set the stage for 2017 PD World Championship Latin. All former PD World Champions of PD Latin had been invited to the event. PD Director Verena Sulek and Davide Cacciari, Member of the PD Management Board honoured the former World Champions Latin. 
A special note from Peter Maxwell, who could not come to Leipzig, had been read by Tina Spiesbach, member of the organizer team Thalheim/Spiebach. 

PD 10th Anniversary Leipzig

See the video of the ceremony in Leipzig ...

bwyS_EinLn8|2017 PD 10th Anniversary Ceremony Leipzig | DanceSport Total

If you would like to watch the wonderful video done by Pedro Toro documenting the development of the last 10 years and presenting the former PD World Champions, call the article "Ten Years After", published on 17th September on this website. You will find it in "Archives" of the News.

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