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Walk of Fame | The Original

Walk of Fame

One has to bear in mind that the hosts and organisers of the GrandSlam Finals in Shanghai were the true pioneers when it comes to the "Walk of Fame," being the first to provide our top dancers with the kind of experience that the Hollywood stars get to enjoy on Oscar nights. A "Walk of Fame" anywhere else is just a copy of what got started here five or six years ago.

Today the whole experience was definitely a little more challenging than on previous occasions. It was cold once or twice in the past as well, but definitely not below zero degrees Celsius. That's what it felt like today.

With the dancers trying to look at their best as they take their stroll down the 100-metre red carpet, they keep protective winter garments to an absolute minimum. Except for a few daring women wearing furs!

yaIadtDEGzc|The Walk of Fame | 2017 GrandSlam Final Shanghai | DanceSport Total