08/03/2016 Pascual - Carne, ESP | 2016 GS Lat R3 PD | DanceSport Total

Pascual - Carne, ESP | 2016 GS Lat R3 PD World DanceSport Federation SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/J1Q1Wy Guillem Pascual - Rosa Carne, ESP, dance the Paso Doble in Round 3 of the 2016 WDSF GrandSlam Latin on 6 March in FIN. FACEBOOK: wdsfisdancesporttotal TWITTER: @dancesporttotal INSTAGRAM: #wdsfdancesport GOOGLE +: World DanceSport Federation www.worlddancesport.org


latin  world  lat  round  federation  pd  esp  paso  doble  march  gs  r3  rosa  total  subscribe  guillem  pascual  fin  carne  2016