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ITV Rebolledo - Ortega, COL | TWG 2017 SAL

Stevens Rebolledo - Yinessa Ortega © Roland

Watch Stevens and Ynessa! It's well worth it, even if it sounds all Spanish to you. They came here with high hopes to make it onto the podium, but they knew perfectly well that in order to do so they would have to beat fellow Colombians Jefferson Benjumea - Adriana Avila Molina, the reigning World Games Champions.

In the end they did just that, however narrowly, to make it gold and silver for God, Cali, Colombia and everybody else who had a part in sending these Salsa dancers from the host city of the games in 2013 to the one in 2017.

Post-competition interview with Stevens Rebolledo Montano - Yinessa Ortega, COL, at The World Games 2017 Wroclaw on 28 July. And yes, eventually we will get around to subtitling this interview in Spanish!

1zCpDFEvIOY|ITV Rebolledo - Ortega, COL | TWG 2017 SAL