Alexander Svanberg - Jeanette Carlsson

General information

Profile picture of Alexander Svanberg Profile picture of Jeanette Carlsson
Alexander Svanberg (10007525)
Jeanette Carlsson (10007526)
Danced for
Joined on
Current age group
Current status


Rank Points Date Event Discipline Category Location
70. 10 30 September 2006 World Championship Latin Adult Karlsruhe Germany
47. 6 May 2006 European Championship Latin Adult Szombathely Hungary
28. 42 18 February 2006 International Open Latin Adult Copenhagen Denmark
21. 37 11 December 2005 International Open Latin Adult Turku Finland
9. 10 December 2005 Open Latin Youth Turku Finland
34. 32 23 October 2005 International Open Latin Adult Lahti Finland
18. 24 April 2005 Open Latin Youth Wels Austria
36. 23 April 2005 World Championship Latin Youth Wels Austria
30. 5 February 2005 World Championship Ten Dance Youth Antwerpen Belgium
22. 27 November 2004 World Championship Ten Dance Youth Tallinn Estonia
41. 6 November 2004 World Championship Standard Youth Shanghai People's Republic of China
92. 21 June 2004 International Open Latin Adult Cervia Italy
92. 18 20 June 2004 International Open Latin Adult Cervia Italy
26. 37 16 May 2004 International Open Latin Adult Zabrze Poland
3. 8 November 2003 National Championship Ten Dance Youth Solna Sweden
43. 19 October 2003 International Open Latin Adult Lathi Finland
43. 18 19 October 2003 International Open Latin Adult Lahti Finland
17. 13 September 2003 Open Latin Youth Aarhus Denmark