Saceleanu Victor Emilian - Ekaterini Kratira

General information

Profile picture of Saceleanu Victor Emilian Profile picture of Ekaterini Kratira
Saceleanu Victor Emilian (10064978)
Ekaterini Kratira (10074775)
Danced for
Joined on
Current age group
Current status


Rank Points Date Event Discipline Category Location
Noshow 2 May 2015 Open Latin Youth Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina
29. 5 April 2015 European Championship Latin Youth Cambrils Spain
17. 112 4 April 2015 Open Latin Youth Cambrils Spain
4. 198 28 March 2015 Open Latin Youth Klaipeda Lithuania
4. 242 8 March 2015 Open Latin Youth Thessaloniki Greece
Excused 8 March 2015 International Open Latin Adult Thessaloniki Greece
3. 276 23 November 2014 Open Latin Youth Ruse Bulgaria
27. 77 22 November 2014 World Open Latin Adult Ruse Bulgaria
3. 90 8 November 2014 Open Latin Adult Skopje Macedonia
1. 270 8 November 2014 Open Latin Youth Skopje Macedonia
2. 311 1 November 2014 Open Latin Youth Yambol Bulgaria
39. 25 October 2014 World Championship Latin Youth Moscow Russia
6. 234 28 September 2014 Open Latin Youth Belgrade Serbia
24. 17 28 June 2014 Open Latin Adult Kavala Greece
2. 270 28 June 2014 Open Latin Youth Kavala Greece
43. 68 7 June 2014 World Open Latin Adult Tirana Albania
6. 207 7 June 2014 Open Latin Youth Tirana Albania
8. 59 4 May 2014 Open Latin Adult Athens Greece
40. 70 20 April 2014 Open Latin Youth Cambrils Spain
63. 16 20 April 2014 International Open Latin Adult Cambrils Spain
52. 19 April 2014 European Championship Latin Youth Cambrils Spain
10. 176 12 April 2014 Open Latin Youth Thessaloniki Greece
5. 74 21 December 2013 Open Latin Adult Athens Greece