Lukas Hojdan - Romana Litvikova

General information

Profile picture of Lukas Hojdan Profile picture of Romana Litvikova
Lukas Hojdan (10010021)
Romana Litvikova (10010022)
Danced for
Joined on
Current age group
Current status


Rank Points Date Event Discipline Category Location
1. 5 June 2005 International Open Latin Youth Szombathely, Hungary
18. 65 5 June 2005 International Open Latin Adult Szombathely, Hungary
15. 24 April 2005 Open Latin Youth Wels, Austria
39. 23 April 2005 World Championship Latin Youth Wels, Austria
21. 53 3 April 2005 International Open Latin Adult Brno, Czechia
2. 2 April 2005 Open Latin Youth Brno, Czechia
22. 53 11 December 2004 International Open Latin Adult Maribor, Slovenia
10. 11 December 2004 Open Latin Youth Maribor, Slovenia
4. 4 December 2004 Open Latin Youth Varazdin, Croatia
16. 65 4 December 2004 International Open Latin Adult Varazdin, Croatia
19. 70 20 November 2004 International Open Latin Adult Bratislava, Slovakia
8. 135 24 October 2004 International Open Latin Adult Taipei, Chinese Taipei
36. 37 3 October 2004 International Open Latin Adult Ostrava, Czechia
3. 2 October 2004 Open Latin Youth Ostrava, Czechia
19. 61 26 September 2004 International Open Latin Adult Kistelek, Hungary
4. 18 September 2004 Open Latin Youth Prague, Czechia
8. 49 11 September 2004 Open Latin Adult Bratislava, Slovakia
15. 13 August 2004 Open Latin Youth Leipzig, Germany
15. 13 August 2004 Open Latin Youth Leipzig, Germany
10. 12 June 2004 Open Latin Youth Berlin, Germany
28. 37 16 May 2004 International Open Latin Adult Zabrze, Poland
29. 27 March 2004 National Championship Latin Adult Ceske Budejovice, Czechia