Ranking for Adult Latin

The following results are from the WDSF Open taken place in Baltimore - United States on 1 April 2016.


Couple Country Start # Base Points
1. Ryan Ivan Raffloer - Hanna Sverdlov USA 576 100 80
2. Lance Yasinsky - Annabelle Vinokur USA 493 95 76
3. Daniel Romaikin - Chen Fang USA 278 90 72
4. Michael Rubezin - Nicole Vujanic CAN 579 85 68
5. Jose Maria Zuquilanda - Adriana Chavez ECU 316 82 66
6. Daniel Camacho - Carolina Perez ECU 163 80 64

1. Round

Couple Country Start # Base Points
7. Cristian Camacho - Marcela Salazar ECU 430 70 56
8. Dorian Luje - Damiena Luje USA 281 65 52