Ranking for Senior II Standard

The following results are from the WDSF Open taken place in Tartu - Estonia on 27 May 2017.


Couple Country Start # Base Points
1. Oleg Sadyrev - Tatyana Krylova EST 161 300 300
2. Vaino Miil - Kaia Linkberg EST 155 270 270
3. anonymous person - anonymous person BLR 150 240 240
4. Andrey Yushev - Elena Yusheva RUS 152 220 220
5. Indulis Martinsons - Baiba Martinsone LAT 159 200 200
6. Andres Joeleht - Anu Joeleht EST 160 180 180

1. Round

Couple Country Start # Base Points
7. Anatoly Lesnikov - Tatiana Lesnikova RUS 154 160 160
8. Janno Semidor - Kiie Semidor EST 149 150 150
9. Janis Lazdans - Sarma Novicane Lazdane LAT 148 140 140
10. - 11. Aivo Tuvi - Signe Saarva EST 151 130 130
10. - 11. Taivo Lillo - Marina Lillo EST 156 130 130
12. Guntis Osis - Iveta Ose LAT 158 110 110
13. Ain Anijarv - Maie Anijarv EST 157 100 100

Excused couples

detail Romualdas Joksas - Ilona Joksa LAT