Open WDSF Online Congress
On-line, Virtual
28 February 2021
Additional information


9.00 CET (Central European Time)
This congress is more suitable for the Europe-Asia region. Following congress will be suitable for Europe-America. 


Open to the participation of everyone including adjudicators, coaches and athletes.

Information for WDSF adjudicators

You must log-in to register to this congress to be able to take advantage of what is descibed below.

These congresses are relevant to the fulfillment of educational requirements for licensed WDSF adjudicators for a period of two years.

New applicants can attend these congresses as one of the two congresses that they need to attend to obtain a WDSF adjudicator license. As this congress does not include other required information such as the judging system and the responsibilities of WDSF adjudicators, new applications must attend a second congress that fulfills these requirements at a later time.


Time Duration Title Lecturer Facilitator Country
08:30 30 min Submission of participants to the waiting room      
09:00 1h 30 min Evaluation of the Quality of Latin Dances Gabriele Goffredo - Anna Matus Stefan Green Italy
10:30 15 min Pausa      
10:45 1h 30 min Evaluation of the Quality of Standard Dances Dmitry Zharkov - Olga Kulikova Anastasia Titkova Russia
12:15   End of the Congress      

Registration for participation

The registration will open on February 1st, 2021.

The congress will be held online through the Zoom platform. Participants will need a free version of the program.

To participate in the congress, it is required to register and pay a registration fee of 100 euros, after which the detailed instructions for participation in the congress will be sent by email.