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The Hong Kong Difference

George Yip, HKDSA Chairman

What makes the Hong Kong organisers so unique is the amount of attention they pay to details. In everything they do! Some may think that it boarders on the obsessive when they rehearse an opening or an awarding ceremony for hours, with the role of every single person who intervenes this weekend played out by a stand-in. In any case, it's not only great fun to watch, it also produces outstanding results.

Rainbow and Winifred George Yip, the chairman of the Hong Kong DanceSport Association and the master of ceremony for the next three days, adheres strictly to the script in every announcement he makes. That is unless circumstances require differently: a delay in the computing of scores had him ad-lib with the best of them last year. He bridged close to three minutes and had 3'000 spectators on their feet cheering for the couple ... or for the adjudicators ... or for the scrutineers. But chances are that George had secretly rehearsed that part too!

Of course, there is a very strong supporting cast that George can count on too. His wife Rainbow and Winifred Lam, whose role could be described as that of the executive producer for everything, are on his side every step of the way.