Francesca Pia Palmieri

General information

Profile picture of Francesca Pia Palmieri
Francesca Pia
Member Id number (MIN)
Year of birth
Current age group

Division: General
Status: Inactive
Expires on: 06/05/2022


Rank Points Date Event Discipline Category Location
Excused 8 December 2019 International Open Standard Adult Ferrara Italy
41. 92 20 October 2019 World Open Standard Adult Almere Netherlands
20. 19 October 2019 Open Standard Rising Stars Almere Netherlands
41. 31 27 September 2019 International Open Standard Adult Koper Slovenia
5. 312 9 February 2018 International Open Standard Adult Aversa Italy
Excused 14 January 2018 International Open Standard Adult Jesi Italy
12. 137 8 December 2017 International Open Standard Adult Ferrara Italy
10. 4 November 2017 World Championship Ten Dance Under 21 Ljubljana Slovenia
6. 240 28 October 2017 International Open Latin Adult Pescara Italy
6. 240 27 October 2017 International Open Standard Adult Pescara Italy
8. 208 21 October 2017 International Open Standard Adult Fidenza Italy
13. 80 20 October 2017 International Open Latin Adult Fidenza Italy
28. 46 8 October 2017 International Open Standard Adult Vigevano Italy
Noshow 17 June 2017 Open Latin Under 21 Loreto Italy
8. 163 17 June 2017 International Open Standard Adult Loreto Italy
Noshow 16 June 2017 Open Standard Under 21 Loreto Italy
8. 163 16 June 2017 International Open Latin Adult Loreto Italy
13. 95 28 May 2017 International Open Standard Adult Faenza Italy
7. 123 19 February 2017 International Open Standard Adult Prato Italy
2. 128 3 February 2017 Open Standard Adult Napoli Italy
12. 130 22 January 2017 International Open Standard Adult Jesi Italy
Excused 26 November 2016 Open Latin Rising Stars Milano Malpensa Italy
Excused 26 November 2016 Open Latin Under 21 Milano Malpensa Italy
24. 57 26 November 2016 International Open Standard Adult Milano Malpensa Italy
Excused 25 November 2016 International Open Latin Adult Milano Malpensa Italy
Excused 25 November 2016 Open Standard Rising Stars Milano Malpensa Italy
1. 25 November 2016 Open Standard Under 21 Milano Malpensa Italy
3. 5 November 2016 World Championship Ten Dance Youth Riga Latvia
Excused 29 October 2016 Open Standard Youth Pescara Italy
10. 132 29 October 2016 International Open Latin Adult Pescara Italy
4. 231 29 October 2016 Open Latin Youth Pescara Italy
Excused 28 October 2016 Open Standard Rising Stars Pescara Italy
5. 213 28 October 2016 International Open Standard Adult Pescara Italy
13. 93 9 October 2016 International Open Standard Adult Vigevano Italy
Excused 18 June 2016 Open Standard Youth Loreto Italy
8. 176 18 June 2016 International Open Standard Adult Loreto Italy
3. 240 18 June 2016 Open Latin Youth Loreto Italy
Excused 17 April 2016 International Open Standard Adult Timisoara Romania
1. 435 17 April 2016 Open Standard Youth Timisoara Romania
12. 16 April 2016 European Championship Standard Youth Timisoara Romania
25. 36 26 March 2016 International Open Standard Adult Cambrils Spain
5. 300 25 March 2016 Open Standard Youth Cambrils Spain
27. 115 12 March 2016 World Open Standard Adult Pieve Di Cento Italy
2. 365 12 March 2016 Open Standard Youth Pieve Di Cento Italy
Noshow 11 March 2016 Open Standard Rising Stars Pieve Di Cento Italy
Noshow 28 November 2015 Open Latin Under 21 Milano Malpensa Italy
17. 88 28 November 2015 International Open Standard Adult Milano Malpensa Italy
1. 270 28 November 2015 Open Standard Youth Milano Malpensa Italy
2. 27 November 2015 Open Standard Under 21 Milano Malpensa Italy
4. 220 27 November 2015 Open Latin Youth Milano Malpensa Italy
24. 91 22 November 2015 World Open Standard Adult Ruse Bulgaria
1. 345 22 November 2015 Open Standard Youth Ruse Bulgaria
4. 253 21 November 2015 Open Latin Youth Ruse Bulgaria
Noshow 7 November 2015 Open Standard Rising Stars Salsomaggiore Italy
Noshow 7 November 2015 International Open Standard Adult Salsomaggiore Italy
Noshow 7 November 2015 Open Standard Under 21 Salsomaggiore Italy
8. 135 7 November 2015 Open Latin Youth Salsomaggiore Italy
3. 6 November 2015 Open Latin Under 21 Salsomaggiore Italy
1. 240 6 November 2015 Open Standard Youth Salsomaggiore Italy
Noshow 31 October 2015 Open Standard Rising Stars Pescara Italy
2. 31 October 2015 Open Latin Under 21 Pescara Italy
8. 182 31 October 2015 International Open Standard Adult Pescara Italy
4. 242 31 October 2015 Open Latin Youth Pescara Italy
Noshow 30 October 2015 Open Standard Under 21 Pescara Italy
1. 300 30 October 2015 Open Standard Youth Pescara Italy
35. 115 12 August 2015 Open Standard Youth Stuttgart Germany
42. 112 11 August 2015 Open Latin Youth Stuttgart Germany
10. 26 April 2015 European Championship Standard Youth Chisinau Moldova
11. 192 4 April 2015 Open Latin Youth Cambrils Spain
5. 220 3 April 2015 Open Standard Youth Cambrils Spain
41. 31 15 March 2015 International Open Standard Adult Pieve Di Cento Italy
5. 180 15 March 2015 Open Standard Youth Pieve Di Cento Italy
Noshow 14 March 2015 Open Standard Under 21 Pieve Di Cento Italy
8. 188 14 March 2015 Open Latin Youth Pieve Di Cento Italy
2. 13 March 2015 Open Standard Rising Stars Pieve Di Cento Italy
27. 96 21 February 2015 World Open Standard Adult Tilburg Netherlands
1. 270 21 February 2015 Open Standard Youth Tilburg Netherlands
Excused 20 February 2015 Open Standard Rising Stars Tilburg Netherlands
4. 220 20 February 2015 Open Latin Youth Tilburg Netherlands
1. 300 7 December 2014 Open Standard Youth Salou Spain
Excused 6 December 2014 World Open Standard Adult Salou Spain
8. 180 6 December 2014 Open Latin Youth Salou Spain
Noshow 29 November 2014 Open Standard Under 21 Milan Italy
47. 23 29 November 2014 International Open Standard Adult Milan Italy
9. 140 29 November 2014 Open Latin Youth Milan Italy
9. 161 29 November 2014 Open Standard Youth Milan Italy
12. 110 22 November 2014 Open Latin Youth Fidenza Italy
5. 180 22 November 2014 Open Standard Youth Fidenza Italy
1. 21 November 2014 Open Standard Under 21 Fidenza Italy
20. 88 21 November 2014 International Open Standard Adult Fidenza Italy
20. 138 16 November 2014 Open Latin Youth Vienna Austria
26. 120 15 November 2014 Open Standard Youth Vienna Austria
5. 220 7 November 2014 Open Standard Youth Pomezia Italy
3. 1 November 2014 Open Latin Under 21 Pescara Italy
8. 158 1 November 2014 Open Latin Youth Pescara Italy
2. 31 October 2014 Open Standard Under 21 Pescara Italy
33. 15 31 October 2014 Open Latin Adult Pescara Italy
1. 315 31 October 2014 Open Standard Youth Pescara Italy
14. 248 13 August 2014 Open Standard Youth Stuttgart Germany
83. 14 12 August 2014 Open Latin Youth Stuttgart Germany
25. 13 July 2014 World Championship Standard Under 21 Rimini Italy
Excused 29 June 2014 International Open Standard Adult Alassio Italy
5. 29 June 2014 Open Standard Under 21 Alassio Italy
Excused 29 June 2014 Open Latin Youth Alassio Italy
Excused 28 June 2014 Open Standard Rising Stars Alassio Italy
10. 189 28 June 2014 Open Standard Youth Alassio Italy
9. 154 27 June 2014 Open Ten Dance Youth Alassio Italy
Excused 11 May 2014 Open Standard Rising Stars Rimini Italy
5. 180 11 May 2014 Open Standard Youth Rimini Italy
Excused 10 May 2014 Open Latin Youth Rimini Italy
26. 42 10 May 2014 International Open Standard Adult Rimini Italy
Excused 26 April 2014 Open Latin Youth Valeggio Sul Mincio Italy
1. 26 April 2014 Open Standard Under 21 Valeggio Sul Mincio Italy
Excused 26 April 2014 Open Standard Rising Stars Valeggio Sul Mincio Italy
13. 80 26 April 2014 International Open Standard Adult Valeggio Sul Mincio Italy
1. 270 26 April 2014 Open Standard Youth Valeggio Sul Mincio Italy
17. 73 19 April 2014 International Open Standard Adult Cambrils Spain
6. 243 19 April 2014 Open Standard Youth Cambrils Spain
41. 29 23 March 2014 International Open Standard Adult Pieve di Cento Italy
6. 216 23 March 2014 Open Standard Youth Pieve di Cento Italy
3. 22 March 2014 Open Standard Under 21 Pieve di Cento Italy
15. 88 22 March 2014 Open Latin Youth Pieve di Cento Italy
Excused 21 March 2014 Open Standard Rising Stars Pieve di Cento Italy
Excused 16 March 2014 Open Standard Youth Brno Czech Republic
Excused 15 March 2014 Open Latin Youth Brno Czech Republic
Excused 15 March 2014 World Open Standard Adult Brno Czech Republic
Excused 14 March 2014 Open Standard Rising Stars Brno Czech Republic
Excused 23 February 2014 Open Standard Under 21 Tilburg Netherlands
30. 84 22 February 2014 World Open Standard Adult Tilburg Netherlands
7. 192 22 February 2014 Open Standard Youth Tilburg Netherlands
Excused 21 February 2014 Open Standard Rising Stars Tilburg Netherlands
14. 108 21 February 2014 Open Latin Youth Tilburg Netherlands
Excused 9 February 2014 World Open Latin Adult Bassano del Grappa Italy
Excused 9 February 2014 Open Standard Rising Stars Bassano del Grappa Italy
13. 150 9 February 2014 Open Standard Youth Bassano del Grappa Italy
Excused 8 February 2014 Open Latin Rising Stars Bassano del Grappa Italy
Excused 8 February 2014 World Open Standard Adult Bassano del Grappa Italy
22. 99 8 February 2014 Open Latin Youth Bassano del Grappa Italy
Excused 14 December 2013 Open Standard Youth Jesi Italy
Excused 14 December 2013 Open Latin Youth Jesi Italy
Noshow 8 December 2013 Open Standard Youth Salou Spain
Noshow 7 December 2013 Open Latin Youth Salou Spain
Excused 1 December 2013 Open Standard Junior II Rome Italy
Excused 1 December 2013 Open Standard Youth Rome Italy
Excused 30 November 2013 Open Latin Youth Rome Italy
Excused 30 November 2013 Open Latin Junior II Rome Italy
Excused 23 November 2013 Open Standard Junior II Salsomaggiore Terme Italy
Excused 23 November 2013 Open Latin Junior II Salsomaggiore Terme Italy
6. 180 23 November 2013 Open Latin Youth Salsomaggiore Terme Italy
2. 243 23 November 2013 Open Standard Youth Salsomaggiore Terme Italy
Excused 9 November 2013 Open Standard Junior II Pescara Italy
1. 9 November 2013 Open Latin Junior II Pescara Italy
4. 198 9 November 2013 Open Latin Youth Pescara Italy
1. 270 8 November 2013 Open Standard Youth Pescara Italy
2. 2 November 2013 World Championship Ten Dance Junior II Riga Latvia
4. 26 October 2013 World Championship Standard Junior II Moscow Russia
1. 19 October 2013 Open Latin Junior II Ancona Italy
Excused 19 October 2013 Open Latin Youth Ancona Italy
1. 19 October 2013 Open Standard Junior II Ancona Italy
2. 257 18 October 2013 Open Standard Youth Ancona Italy
Excused 4 May 2013 Open Standard Youth Rimini Italy
3. 4 May 2013 Open Latin Junior II Rimini Italy
1. 4 May 2013 Open Standard Junior II Rimini Italy
Excused 3 May 2013 Open Latin Youth Rimini Italy
3. 28 April 2013 Open Latin Junior II Valeggio Sul Mincio Italy
1. 28 April 2013 Open Standard Junior II Valeggio Sul Mincio Italy
Excused 28 April 2013 Open Latin Youth Valeggio Sul Mincio Italy
6. 162 27 April 2013 Open Standard Youth Valeggio Sul Mincio Italy
10. 24 March 2013 Open Latin Junior II Pieve di Cento Italy
3. 24 March 2013 Open Standard Junior II Pieve di Cento Italy
16. 101 23 March 2013 Open Standard Youth Pieve di Cento Italy
8. 10 February 2013 Open Latin Junior II Bassano del Grappa Italy
1. 9 February 2013 Open Standard Junior II Bassano del Grappa Italy
1. 1 December 2012 Open Standard Junior II Milan Italy
13. 125 1 December 2012 Open Standard Youth Milan Italy
3. 10 November 2012 Open Latin Junior II Pescara Italy
2. 10 November 2012 Open Standard Junior II Pescara Italy
1. 315 9 November 2012 Open Standard Youth Pescara Italy
1. 7 October 2012 Open Standard Junior II Ancona Italy
6. 180 7 October 2012 Open Standard Youth Ancona Italy
2. 6 October 2012 Open Latin Junior II Ancona Italy
10. 143 6 October 2012 Open Latin Youth Ancona Italy
8. 16 October 2011 Open Latin Junior II Ancona Italy
11. 16 October 2011 Open Standard Junior II Ancona Italy


Couple Name Nationality Competing for Status Joined Retired
info Salvio Tubelli Italy Italy Retired 13/09/2019 26/02/2020
info Vincenzo Chianese Italy Italy Retired 15/10/2011 11/10/2018