Alexandru Pogor - Mathilde Lyngsdal

General information

Profile picture of Alexandru Pogor Profile picture of Mathilde Lyngsdal
Alexandru Pogor (10059968)
Mathilde Lyngsdal (10041574)
Danced for
Joined on
Current age group
Current status


Rank Points Date Event Discipline Category Location
29. 13 July 2014 World Championship Standard Under 21 Rimini Italy
Noshow 17 May 2014 World Open Standard Adult London England
18. 73 19 April 2014 International Open Standard Adult Cambrils Spain
Noshow 5 April 2014 International Open Standard Adult Aarhus Denmark
Noshow 22 March 2014 International Open Standard Adult Marseille France
38. 84 16 February 2014 World Open Standard Adult Copenhagen Denmark
9. 9 February 2014 Open Standard Rising Stars Bassano del Grappa Italy
64. 32 8 February 2014 World Open Standard Adult Bassano del Grappa Italy
31. 95 30 November 2013 World Open Standard Adult Rome Italy
Excused 29 November 2013 Open Standard Rising Stars Rome Italy
5. 29 November 2013 Open Standard Under 21 Rome Italy
54. 30 24 November 2013 World Open Standard Adult Kiev Ukraine
15. 114 19 October 2013 World Open Standard Adult Helsinki Finland
21. 83 22 September 2013 World Open Standard Adult Gothenburg Sweden
2. 22 September 2013 Open Standard Under 21 Gothenburg Sweden
44. 77 15 September 2013 World Open Standard Adult Prague Czech Republic
6. 31 August 2013 Sub Continental Championship Standard Adult Virum Denmark
161. 50 16 August 2013 GrandSlam Standard Adult Stuttgart Germany
Noshow 20 April 2013 Open Standard Under 21 Aarhus Denmark
42. 82 17 February 2013 World Open Standard Adult Copenhagen Denmark
18. 3 February 2013 World Championship Standard Under 21 Antwerp Belgium
12. 95 11 November 2012 International Open Standard Adult Oslo Norway
53. 48 26 October 2012 GrandSlam Standard Adult Moscow Russia
26. 14 October 2012 World Championship Standard Under 21 Mons Belgium
1. 300 7 October 2012 Open Standard Youth Ancona Italy
2. 6 October 2012 Open Standard Under 21 Ancona Italy
21. 106 6 October 2012 World Open Standard Adult Ancona Italy
3. 5 October 2012 Open Standard Rising Stars Ancona Italy
11. 15 September 2012 World Championship Standard Youth Schladming Austria
43. 79 9 September 2012 World Open Standard Adult Prague Czech Republic
7. 256 8 September 2012 Open Standard Youth Prague Czech Republic
136. 50 17 August 2012 GrandSlam Standard Adult Stuttgart Germany
45. 79 15 August 2012 Open Standard Youth Stuttgart Germany
15. 28 April 2012 European Championship Standard Youth Chisinau Moldova
3. 252 21 April 2012 Open Standard Youth Aarhus Denmark
2. 20 April 2012 Open Standard Rising Stars Aarhus Denmark
8. 203 7 April 2012 Open Standard Youth Cambrils Spain
30. 38 6 April 2012 International Open Standard Adult Cambrils Spain
4. 5 April 2012 Open Standard Rising Stars Cambrils Spain
37. 24 31 March 2012 International Open Standard Adult Bucharest Romania
12. 138 31 March 2012 Open Standard Youth Bucharest Romania
2. 324 17 March 2012 Open Standard Youth Kyiv Ukraine
12. 42 17 March 2012 Open Standard Adult Kyiv Ukraine
40. 27 19 February 2012 International Open Standard Adult Copenhagen Denmark
7. 5 February 2012 Open Standard Under 21 Antwerp Belgium
5. 3 February 2012 Open Standard Rising Stars Antwerp Belgium
22. 60 17 December 2011 World Championship Standard Youth Riga Latvia
5. 66 3 December 2011 Open Standard Youth Salou Spain
34. 42 13 November 2011 International Open Standard Adult Warsaw Poland
28. 49 8 October 2011 GrandSlam Standard Adult Aarhus Denmark
4. 52 8 October 2011 Open Standard Youth Aarhus Denmark
59. 18 11 September 2011 International Open Standard Adult Prague Czech Republic
7. 73 10 September 2011 Open Standard Youth Prague Czech Republic
220. 13 19 August 2011 GrandSlam Standard Adult Stuttgart Germany
5. 99 19 June 2011 Open Standard Youth Wels Austria
20. 18 June 2011 European Championship Standard Youth Wels Austria
49. 18 11 June 2011 International Open Standard Adult Olsztyn Poland
1. 160 30 April 2011 Open Standard Youth Chisinau Moldova
18. 67 30 April 2011 International Open Standard Adult Chisinau Moldova
32. 41 20 February 2011 International Open Standard Adult Copenhagen Denmark
47. 38 6 February 2011 International Open Standard Adult Antwerp Belgium
14. 4 February 2011 Open Standard Rising Stars Antwerp Belgium
35. 47 5 December 2010 International Open Standard Adult Varazdin Croatia
3. 77 5 December 2010 Open Standard Youth Varazdin Croatia
4. 65 9 October 2010 Open Standard Youth Ancona Italy
34. 35 9 October 2010 International Open Standard Adult Ancona Italy
34. 9 October 2010 Open Standard Adult Ancona Italy
25. 8 October 2010 Open Standard Rising Stars Ancona Italy