Artem Tikhonravov - Sofia Bobykina

General information

Profile picture of Artem Tikhonravov Profile picture of Sofia Bobykina
Artem Tikhonravov (10088891)
Sofia Bobykina (10088894)
Danced for
Joined on
Current age group
Current status


Rank Points Date Event Discipline Category Location
18. 99 8 May 2016 Open Latin Youth Moscow, Russia
6. 225 7 May 2016 Open Standard Youth Moscow, Russia
8. 188 24 April 2016 Open Latin Youth Moscow, Russia
3. 300 23 April 2016 Open Standard Youth Moscow, Russia
11. 174 28 February 2016 Open Latin Youth Moscow, Russia
8. 225 27 February 2016 Open Standard Youth Moscow, Russia
17. 98 21 February 2016 Open Latin Youth Moscow, Russia
5. 260 20 February 2016 Open Standard Youth Moscow, Russia
2. 311 29 November 2015 Open Latin Youth Kiev, Ukraine
1. 345 28 November 2015 Open Standard Youth Kiev, Ukraine
65. 9 23 October 2015 Open Latin Youth Moscow, Russia
51. 13 12 August 2015 Open Standard Youth Stuttgart, Germany
81. 14 11 August 2015 Open Latin Youth Stuttgart, Germany
18. 36 26 April 2015 Open Latin Adult Moscow, Russia
15. 35 25 April 2015 Open Standard Adult Moscow, Russia
11. 168 28 March 2015 Open Standard Youth Krasnogorsk, Russia
2. 378 8 March 2015 Open Standard Youth Moscow, Russia
15. 108 7 March 2015 Open Latin Youth Moscow, Russia
16. 139 21 December 2014 Open Standard Youth Riga, Latvia
25. 93 20 December 2014 Open Latin Youth Riga, Latvia
Noshow 13 August 2014 Open Standard Youth Stuttgart, Germany
Noshow 12 August 2014 Open Latin Youth Stuttgart, Germany
22. 81 27 April 2014 Open Latin Youth Moscow, Russia