2014 AGM Bucharest | Governance

2014 AGM © Marina Continental associations of WDSF Members have the potential to play an important role in strengthening and developing DanceSport in the continental areas. The Asian DanceSport Federation exemplifies that since 1996. 

Late in 2013 the WDSF Presidium mandated a working group known as the “European Commission” to study the question of how best to integrate an association of European Members into the WDSF system. In just a few months the working group came up with recommendations on how to ensure that continental associations develop their activities in co-ordination with WDSF and in compliance with its Statutes, rules and regulations. 

These recommendations were then taken up in a Motion of the Presidium to the 2014 AGM that called for modifications to the WDSF Statutes and the Disciplinary Council Code so they can provide the conditions that a continental association must meet in order to be recognised.

Read the new article 5 bis (coloured red) of the WDSF Statutes, click here!

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