Dmytro Bazela


Profile picture of Dmytro Bazela
Member Id number (MIN)
Year of birth

General Adjudicator
Status: Active
AJS rated: No
Issued on: 11 April 2018
Education expires on: 2 October 2025
Disciplines: Standard (B), Latin (B), Ten Dance (B)


Competition history

Task Date Event Competitions Location
Adjudicator 9 October 2021 Open Standard Under 21 Lviv, Ukraine
Adjudicator 24 November 2019 Open Standard Youth Lviv, Ukraine
Adjudicator 19 October 2019 Open Latin Junior I Kyiv, Ukraine
Adjudicator 24 March 2019 Open Latin Youth Kyiv, Ukraine
Adjudicator 1 December 2018 Open Standard Adult Lviv, Ukraine
Adjudicator 21 October 2018 Open Latin Junior I Latin Junior II Kyiv, Ukraine
Adjudicator 7 - 8 October 2018 Open Latin Youth Standard Youth Lviv, Ukraine
Adjudicator 19 - 20 May 2018 Open Latin Youth Standard Adult Lviv, Ukraine


Since 1981-1984 Training at a cultural and educational school - a department of choreography.

Since 1984-1985 Student of the Kyiv Institute of Culture, choreography.

Since 1985-1987 Military service - Artist of the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Ministry of the Interior of the USSR, Moscow.

Since 1987-1990 Continuing his studies at the faculty of choreography at the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts.

Since 1987-1990 A finalist of the Ukranian championship in 10 different dance styles, as well as Latin dancing. The winner of and prize recipient in international dance competitions in Latin and standard styles. In 1990, along with partner Svetlana Verbitskaya (who is currently a judge in Switzerland), he retired from participation in competitive sporting events. He ended his career in competitive dance sports as an S class dancer.

June 1990 Won prize in the Ukrainian pop artists’ competition among professional performers.

Since 1990 Trainer, manager of the Dance Sport Club "Kaleidoscope"

Since 1991 He started his career as a judge.

Since 1998 National Adjudicator License January 2007 Organizer of the competition "Star Ukraine - 2007" - Kyiv IDSF Open Standard IDSF Open Latin

May 2007 Organizer of the competition "Kaleidoscope - 2007" - Kyiv IDSF Open Standard IDSF Open Latin

January 2008 Organizer of the competition "Star Ukraine - 2008" - Kyiv IDSF Open Standard IDSF Open Latin IPDSC Open Standard IPDSC Open Latin

30-31 May, 1 June 2008 Organizer of the competition "Kaleidoscope - 2008" - Kyiv IPDSC European Standard Championship. IPDSC Open Latin IDSF International Latin IDSF Open Standard

January 2009 Organizer of the competition "Star Ukraine - 2008" - Kyiv IDSF Open Standard IDSF Open Latin

May 2009 Organizer of the competition "Kaleidoscope - 2008" - Kyiv IDSF Open Latin IDSF Open Standard

25/12/2009 Was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Ukranian by the President of Ukraine.

29/09/2015 Awarded the title of assistant professor by the Ukranian Ministry of Education and Science.

Last updated: 14 October 2018.