Age Groups

Age Restrictions

This table is published annually to allow for a better understanding of Rule E-2 of the WDSF Competition Rules.


Age Group Year of the Competition Year of the Competition Year of the Competition
  2023 2024 2025
  Year of Birth Year of Birth Year of Birth
Juvenile I 2014 or later 2015 or later 2016 or later
Juvenile II 2012 or 2013 2013 or 2014 2014 or 2015
Junior I 2010 or 2011 2011 or 2012 2012 or 2013
Junior II 2008 or 2009 2009 or 2010 2010 or 2011
Youth 2005, 2006 or 2007 2006, 2007 or 2008 2007, 2008 or 2009
Under 21 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 or 2007 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 or 2008 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 or 2009
Adult 2004 or before 2005 or before 2006 or before
Senior I One partner must have reached his or her 35th birthday or more in the calendar year (1988 or before - Senior Ib).
The other partner must have reached his or her 30th birthday in the calendar year (1993 or before - Senior Ia)
One partner must have reached his or her 35th birthday or more in the calendar year (1989 or before - Senior Ib).
The other partner must have reached his or her 30th birthday in the calendar year (1994 or before - Senior Ia)
One partner must have reached his or her 35th birthday or more in the calendar year (1990 or before - Senior Ib).
The other partner must have reached his or her 30th birthday in the calendar year (1995 or before - Senior Ia)
Senior II One partner must have reached his or her 45th birthday or more in the calendar year (1978 or before - Senior IIb).
The other partner must have reached his or her 40th birthday in the calendar year (1983 or before - Senior IIa)
One partner must have reached his or her 45th birthday or more in the calendar year (1979 or before - Senior IIb).
The other partner must have reached his or her 40th birthday in the calendar year (1984 or before - Senior IIa)
One partner must have reached his or her 45th birthday or more in the calendar year (1980 or before - Senior IIb).
The other partner must have reached his or her 40th birthday in the calendar year (1985 or before - Senior IIa)
Senior III One partner must have reached his or her 55th birthday or more in the calendar year (1968 or before - Senior IIIb).
The other partner must have reached his or her 50th birthday in the calendar year (1973 or before - Senior IIIa)
One partner must have reached his or her 55th birthday or more in the calendar year (1969 or before - Senior IIIb).
The other partner must have reached his or her 50th birthday in the calendar year (1974 or before - Senior IIIa)
One partner must have reached his or her 55th birthday or more in the calendar year (1970 or before - Senior IIIb).
The other partner must have reached his or her 50th birthday in the calendar year (1975 or before - Senior IIIa)
Senior IV One partner must have reached his or her 65th birthday or more in the calendar year (1958 or before - Senior IVb).
The other partner must have reached his or her 60th birthday in the calendar year (1963 or before - Senior IVa)
One partner must have reached his or her 65th birthday or more in the calendar year (1959 or before - Senior IVb).
The other partner must have reached his or her 60th birthday in the calendar year (1964 or before - Senior IVa)
One partner must have reached his or her 65th birthday or more in the calendar year (1960 or before - Senior IVb).
The other partner must have reached his or her 60th birthday in the calendar year (1965 or before - Senior IVa)
Senior V Both partners must have reached their 70th birthday or more in the calendar year (1953 or before) Both partners must have reached their 70th birthday or more in the calendar year (1954 or before) Both partners must have reached their 70th birthday or more in the calendar year (1955 or before)

Putting two age groups together, such as Juvenile I and II as well as Junior I and II to one joint age group, is an option under Rule E-2. Juvenile II couples are allowed to compete in Junior I. Junior I couples are allowed to compete in Junior II, Junior II couples are allowed to compete in Youth, Youth couples and Senior couples are allowed to compete in competitions of the Adult age group if they want. In all age groups one partner of a couple can be younger, except in the Senior age groups.

The rule should enable couples and coaches to plan the careers on a long-term basis, given that the age group classification of athletes does not depend on their birthday but on their year of birth, as in most other sports too.

WDSF Age Groups