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GrandSlam Adjudicating

GrandSlam Adjudicating The process of adjudicating at all events of this year's GrandSlam Series will again be two-fold in the sense that the rounds leading up to the quarterfinal are assessed with the comparison-based approach and from there with Judging System 2 (JUDSYS) and the awarding of points on the absolute scale from 1 to 10.

Development on the JUDSYS hard- and software has continued since it was last used at the 2014 GrandSlam Finals in Shanghai, CHN. One of the changes made since then is that the quarterfinal, the first round judeged with the system, will be danced in four heats of six couples - as opposed to the three heats with eight couples until now. This should make for a better transition from the traditional to the new way of adjudicating, giving the panel of 12 more time to assess each couple.