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Adjudicators' Congress | Day 1

Dmitry Zharkov - Olga Kulikova, RUS © Goetz

The WDSF General Secretary Shawn Tay welcomed more than 250 adjudicators coming from all over the world. He was pleased to announce that this is an absolute record entry. This proves, that having the congress just prior to the GOC in Stuttgart, is a perfect opportunity for so many people to attend; secondly the adjudicators show their interest in the development of the Judging System 2.1.

In cooperation with Dallas and Martha Williams from Australia and Stefan Green from Italy, the attendants had the possibility to judge after watching a video and use their own android devices wireless. Of course to have 250 persons ready with their devices was a great challenge and took some time.

Another interesting feature was having all the markings  visible on a screen, followed by a fruitful  discussion and explanation for divergent scores.

The following lecturers dealt with deeper and detailed explanations of components and subcomponents of the Judging System 2.1. It helped to learn how to look at and evaluate performences according special criterias.

Jens Werner, DEN, already experienced from last years congress, lectured on Analysis of PAS/IQS of Technical Qualities (TQ) of Standard Dances. The PD World Champions Benedetto Ferruggia and Claudia assisted him by demonstrating and showing the various levels of technical qualities.

Choreopraphy and Presentation was the topic Svetlana Tveryanovich, RUS, lectured on, assisted by Armen Tsaturyan and Svetlana Gudyno, RUS, and Vlacheslav Benko and Elena Klepikova, RUS.

Michele Bonsignori dealt with the same topic in the Standard Dances, impressivly assisted by the current World Champions Dmitry Zharkov and Olga Kulikova.

Last lecturer of the day was Roberto Albanese, GER. His subject was Partnering Skills, assissted by another 2 top couples , Marius Andre Balan and Khrystyna Moshenska, as well as Timur Imametdinov and Nina Bezzubova. It was an interesting and impressive lecture, which proves that, even if the people have to listen  and be attentive for a long day, a good lecturer is able to capture their attention. Another interesting aspect in this lecture was the fact of integrating and involving the assisting couples asking for their opinions and attitudes, herewith hearing trainer as well as active dancers.

 The adjudicators showed their appreciation through their thundering applause and standing ovations !