06/03/2018 Eltervaag - Zygouri, NOR | 2018 GS LAT Helsinki | R2 J

Eltervaag - Zygouri, NOR | 2018 GS LAT Helsinki | R2 J World DanceSport Federation SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/J1Q1Wy Lars Olav Eltervaag - Paraskevi Zygouri, NOR, dance the round 2 Jive in the 2018 GrandSlam Latin on 4 March in Helsinki, FIN. Casa musica: Jive 43 - Hola, Bla Bla by Jay Del Alma (Latin Mega Hits 4) https://www.worlddancesport.org/Media/Gallery/View/Hola_Bla_Bla_(Jive_43)-68d7664c-b955-42c4-be9e-a6bf008fe285 FACEBOOK: wdsfisdancesporttotal TWITTER: @dancesporttotal INSTAGRAM: #wdsfdancesport GOOGLE +: World DanceSport Federation www.worlddancesport.org


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