Whereabouts Information

What Are Whereabouts?

Whereabouts are information provided by the selected athletes about their locations at a specific time, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week (24/7). Whereabouts have to be provided by the athletes to WDSF or to their NADO for national level athletes when selected by the NADO.

Whereabouts do not apply to all athletes in general but do apply only to the selected athletes for the national and/or International Registered Testing Pool and as such informed athletes only. The requirements are designed to provide these athletes with a flexible tool to show their commitment to clean sport, as well as appropriate, sufficient and effective privacy protection.


The whereabouts rules are part of the WADA International Standard for Testing and are implemented in the rules of all organizations that have adopted the World Anti-Doping Code (all recognized sports organizations, governments and others). The rules govern the provision of the athlete's whereabouts to either WDSF or a NADO for the purpose of out-of-competition doping controls to be conducted without prior notice to the athletes.

Whereabouts information is submitted by the athletes (all athletes, all sports, all over the world) via a web based computerized system called ADAMS (Anti-Doping Administration and Management System). ADAMS is developed by WADA, supported by the major International Sports Federations. All anti-doping authorities have access to ADAMS for their particular sport and athletes only

Each athletes selected receives a user account and a password. Individual athletes must file their whereabouts information and keep it up-to-date at all times and contains:

  • A 60-minute time slot for each day
  • Regular overnight residence
  • Regular training and competition routines

Recurring failing failures and/or missed tests could constitute and anti-doping rule violation and subsequent sanctions (even suspension).

UmTpHy9oJc8|ADAMS 3.0 User guide

ADAMS_logo_cmyk.eps_WEB.png The Anti-Doping Administration & Management System (ADAMS), a Web-based database management system developed by the World Anti-Doping Agency in 2005, simplifies the athletes' task of providing their whereabouts information to WDSF or a NADO.

ADAMS allows athletes to enter information about their location from anywhere in the world; and those without Web access may designate a representative to enter the information on their behalf. However, the athletes remain responsible for their whereabouts. They cannot avoid responsibility by blaming their representative for filing inaccurate information about their whereabouts or for not updating their whereabouts if they were not at the location specified by them during the 60-minute time-slot.


WDSF Whereabouts Information