Third Parties

The primary purpose of the WDSF Presidium’s Third-Party Due Diligence Policy is to establish a comprehensive framework for assessing and monitoring the involvement of external entities in WDSF events.  

By implementing this policy, WDSF aims to enhance transparency, mitigate risks, and safeguard the integrity of its events.  

The policy serves as a proactive measure to encourage reasonable efforts to ensure that all third parties associated with WDSF share a commitment to ethical conduct, compliance with regulations, and contribute positively to the overall reputation of WDSF. 

Due diligence is of paramount importance to WDSF as it plays a pivotal role in protecting the organization's reputation and maintaining the credibility of its events. By conducting thorough due diligence on third parties, WDSF can better identify potential risks, ensure compliance with anti-corruption standards, and make informed decisions about its associations.  

The importance of due diligence extends beyond risk mitigation; it reflects WDSF's commitment to fair play, ethical behaviour, and the overall success of its events. Through this policy, WDSF underscores the significance of due diligence as a proactive strategy in upholding the principles of integrity and transparency within the world of DanceSport. 

This Operating Policy (OP) applies to all third parties involved with WDSF events, including sponsors, suppliers, intermediaries and partnersto encompass a broad spectrum of entities directly involved with WDSF events. All-encompassing in its reach, the policy pertains to sponsors, suppliers, intermediaries and partners engaged in collaborations or partnerships with WDSF. This inclusivity reflects WDSF's commitment to ensuring that every external entity contributing to its events aligns with the organization's values and adheres to ethical standards. By adopting a comprehensive approach, this policy addresses the diverse relationships forged in the course of event planning and execution. 

WDSF Third-Party Due Diligence Operating Policy