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Comment Through Facebook


This is the second blog that gets published with the new format. If you look at the blog homepage and at the space between the banner and the first post you discover that the two buttons "Videos" and "Photos" follow the first "Posts." They take you to two independent galleries that are set up for this blog and contain the videos and photographs associated with the WDSF events held during the GOC 2015. They each have a number affixed to it, indicating the total number of videos or photos that are available and highlighting those that have recently been added. By separating the blog content we hope to give you even faster access to what you are looking for. To find something specifically, try out the search function.

Maybe the most significant change that was made with the new format concerns the comment function. A new plugin allows you to comment on all content - i.e. posts, videos and photos - through your Facebook account. Whereby you are free to choose whether you want the comments you are making appears on your Facebook timeline or not. Yes, we are after more engagement on the part of our followers. Yes, we hope for an open dialogue on everything that gets published. But we also expect everyone to play by the basic rules that we have published on earlier blogs.  The guiding principles in making your comments: “No Foul Language – No Insult – RESPECT!”