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Breaking For Gold | First Evaluation

Buenos Aires 2018 Bound

The dust has still not settled after the first stage of the "Breaking for Gold," the digital part of the qualifying for participation in the breaking events at the Buenos Aires 2018 Youth Olympic Games, has come to a conclusion. It was by the end of the day of 31 July 2017 - as per UTC or Greenwich Mean Time - that the videos had to be uploaded to

But with the worldwide breaking community made up of "pro" procrastinators, all waiting for the very last moment to submit their videos and supporting documents, the strain put on the "Breaking for Gold" platform was such that things did turn progressively hectic as the deadline approached. BfG staff had to resort alternative ways of having the submissions delivered in time.

The final word is still out as to whether 900 or even 1,000 submissions by b-girls/boys from around the globe were surpassed - even as to the exact number of countries (standing at around 75 inofficially) we're not yet sure of, but one thing is certain already: "Breaking for Gold" starts off as an unqualified success ... Stay tuned for more!

Just one example! STREET DREAMERS is a documentary produced by director Karim Baig and Ali Barkat, the leader of the Street Dreamers Crew in Karachi, PAK. It will show the struggle of Pakistani breakers to make it to the Buenos Aires Youth Olympic Games.