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Salsa at The World Games 2017

Jefferson Benjumea - Adriana Avila Molina, COL

Salsa made its first appearance on the programme of The World Games four years ago in Cali, COL. It was an appropriate addition: the 2013 host city takes pride in being considered as “La Capital de la Salsa,” the dance’s world capital. What has probably developed into the most popular dance of all is actually a distillation of several Latin and Afro-Caribbean dances, most of Cuban origin. The typical elements of the Cali-style Salsa are strongly influenced by dances to Caribbean rhythms which preceded Salsa, such as the Pachanga and Boogaloo. The central feature of this Colombian style is the footwork, which is marked by quick rapid steps and skipping motions. It is particularly intricate and precise.

Under WDSF Rules, the dancers select the timing for their performances. They decide whether to dance on-one or on-two prior to the start of the competition, but once they have pronounced themselves and danced the first round, they cannot change back.

In the early rounds the couples demonstrate their interpretation of Salsa music through their performance – without emphasising too much on tricks, flips and acrobatics. Only in the final, which is performed to music of the couples’ choice, will rehearsed routines where no holds are barred start to push the envelope in that respect. The only limitations for tricks, flips and aerobatics are those imposed for the safety of the dancers.

It is on rare occasions that a field of Salsa couples as strong as the one at The World Games 2017 gathers in one place and at one time. Among the ten couples taking to the floor on 28 July are the reigning World Games Champions: Jefferson Benjumea - Adriana Avila Molina, COL, who were the young darlings of their native Cali four years ago. Their dancing should have improved even more – as they have trained and competed much and all around the world ever since. The leading man of the runners-up in 2013, Jakub Mazuch, CZE, returns with a new partner: Tereza Vodickova. But there are plenty of other couples to watch out for as well: Stevens Rebolledo - Yinessa Ortega, COL, Robinson Silva -Larissa Oliveira, BRA, and Simone San Filippo Tabò - Serena Maso, ITA, to name but a few.

The Salsa competition should bring back memories for some of the participants: memories of 17,000 spectators in the stands of the Cali bullring – all on their feet, cheering, dancing and singing “Cali Pachanguero!”

Let’s find out how the Wroclaw public reacts to Salsa music and Salsa moves!

VoLC8TBtkGA|Colombia confirma que es capital mundial de la salsa en los Juegos Mundiales