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Happy To Be Here

Focus on Dmitry and Olga

We have mentioned it many times before: The World Games constitute an important milestone in the career of every athlete who has the opportunity to dance in them. Multiple World Champions such as Paolo Bosco - Silvia Pitto, ITA, Alexey Silde - Anna Firstova, RUS, Benedetto Ferruggia - Claudia Koehler, GER, as well as Christophe Payan, a two-time World Games Champion in Rock 'n' Roll, have singled out thiscompetition as the one that brought their experience to an entirely new level. In many ways!

The majority of the almost 150 dancers who compete in this edition have arrived in Wroclaw and settled into their hotels. They are accommodated by event (LAT, R&R, SAL, STA) in one of two centrally located hotels. A good thing: that way they don't have to walk far to tonight's Athletes' Party at the World Games Plaza.

On the left you have Dmitry Zharkov - Olga Kulikova, RUS, being transferred from the airport to the hotel. They are much happier about being in Poland than it looks in this photo! Also in the picture: Pedro Toro, the awrad-winning director of "Do your dance," who will produce a documentary on DanceSport in The World Games 2017.

WOuapwYc_-M|Zharkov - Kulikova, RUS | TWG 2017 Wroclaw Promo